23 June, 2011

What they say and what they mean

this is from a recent news article in regards to a shooting in *SHOCK* East St. Louis.

"There is so much more we need to be doing in terms of getting guns out of the hoodies and from under the t-shirts and out of vehicles," said East St. Louis Mayor Alvin Parks. "In Illinois, we don't have a carry and conceal law and there is no one who should have a gun in their possession that is loaded except for the police. What's troubling me is that these guns keep getting in the wrong hands.

This is what I hear from these bleating sheep. Bold emphasizes my selective BS hearing.

"There is so much more we need to be doing in removing peoples natural right to defend themselves" said East St. Louis Mayor Alvin Parks. "In Illinois, we keep voting down a carry and conceal law and there is no one who should have the power to defend themselves against armed violence except for the police. What's troubling me is that these wogs keep wanting to exercise their natural rights.

Please note, I am not advocating for guns to be used to commit crimes.

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