07 March, 2010

Karl Rove on the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina

Karl Rove writes in his new book Rove-elations that the anointed one confessed to Valerie Jarrett that Rove hates hims among other things. In the article though is this piece about the Air Force One meeting between President Bush, New Orleans governor Ray Nagel and Louisiana governor Kathleen Blanco.

He continues: "Our biggest mistake was that we did not seize control of the situation in Louisiana sooner. As the Air Force One meeting showed, Nagin and Blanco couldn't even agree on who was responsible for public safety in New Orleans. The president should have ordered a federal takeover and taken the heat for pushing Louisiana officials aside."

Nagin and Blanco couldn't even agree on who was responsible for public safety in New Orleans. First and foremost the public is responsible for their own safety. As this video shows, law enforcement thought differently.

New Orleans is still fighting returning these guns to the peaceable armed citizens of the city. Thanks to the lemmings who decided Nagin was just the cat's meow, the good citizens of New Orleans are subject to the cronyism, and outright corruption that has been rampant in Louisiana poltics for decades. Remember, it's not some politician that is going to assist you when the SHTF, it's you that needs to be able to stand and defend yourself.

1 comment:

johnnyreb said...

Remember NO's motto....

Half under water, the other half under indictment.
