17 December, 2009

I wonder who they wrote THIS law for

I receive in my e-mail, a notification that the latest copy of the conservative magazine 'Townhall' is out. They usually provide quotes to entice you to purchase the magazine. This one gave me a chuckle.

It's illegal in Massachusetts for targets at shooting rages to resemble human beings.

The day this guy goes all Hulk on us, the state of Massachusetts might have one more law to charge him with.


Jay G said...

The day I go all Hulk, you'll see the damn Army get mobilized. They'll suspend Posse Comitatus for me... ;)

Old NFO said...

So now the question is, does this include FBI training targets? IDPA or IPSC targets??? Inquiring minds are curious...

Top of the Chain said...

Good question NFO, JayG?

Jay G said...

This rule only applies to shooting clubs that hold "Club" LTCs. There's exactly one of them in the entire Commonwealth.

Some ranges won't allow human targets (like the old "thug with a gun" standard) but that's an individual preference).

However, I can bring any target I want (with obvious exceptions, of course - I can't take a specific person's picture to shoot at, stuff like that) to my gun club without breaking any laws.