12 October, 2009

Openly debating Open Carry

The open carry debate has come forward even more since the death of Melanie Hain. Melanie was the PA. soccer mom who openly carried her Glock 26 to her childs soccer game that drew national attention. Among 2nd Amendment advocates this is a contested issue. Sebastian of Snowflakes in Hell writes this;

Glad to see the open carry folks winning over more hearts and minds in Scranton. Whatever they had to say about lost and stolen was lost in the distraction of having a need to open carry firearms, no matter what the circumstance.

For a while I started to be brought around, but I’m becoming more convinced it’s just damaging the movement. I will continue to support open carry being legal, I just don’t think it has any place in Second Amendment activism. Open carry activists have a lot of energy, and they are willing to show up, and that alone puts them ahead of 98% of gun owners. But I think the open carry shit is distracting, and is taking away from what otherwise would be amazingly effective activism. Instead of having media stories about gun owners opposing lost and stolen, you have media stories about people showing up openly armed.

Now let's play a little word substitution

Glad to see the open driving folks winning over more hearts and minds in Scranton. Whatever they had to say about lost and stolen was lost in the distraction of having a need to open drive , no matter what the circumstance.

For a while I started to be brought around, but I’m becoming more convinced it’s just damaging the movement. I will continue to support open driving being legal, I just don’t think it has any place in driving activism. Open driving activists have a lot of energy, and they are willing to show up, and that alone puts them ahead of 98% of drivers. But I think the open driving shit is distracting, and is taking away from what otherwise would be amazingly effective activism. Instead of having media stories about drivers opposing lost and stolen, you have media stories about people showing up openly driving.

Bigotry is bigotry is bigotry even when it comes from your own supposed side. By creating the idea of open carry not being a plus in advocating for everyone's 2nd Amendment rights, those who oppose it create a split in the movement.